Correspondance concernant l’ouverture du Musée, 1938-1939, lettre à Mrs Kuhring, 6 février 1939
Source: Musée régional d’Argenteuil, Collection MRA, Boîte 28, fiche 36.
La Société Historique du Comté d’Argenteuil se fait un devoir de rendre hommage aux personnes qui ont joué un rôle important non seulement dans l’histoire de la communauté mais aussi dans la transmission du savoir historique. Le docteur Benjamin Nathaniel Wales, membre fondateur de la SHCA, est l’auteur du livre Memories of Old St. Andrews and Historical Sketches of the Seigniory of Argenteuil publié en 1934. La bibliothèque des livres anciens du Musée régional d’Argenteuil a été nommée en sa mémoire.
Maude Abbott signait souvent ses lettres avec les initiales MEA.
900 Sherbrooke Street
Feb. 6/39
Dear Mrs Kuhring,
Dr Cushing has been first been here and reports a careful inspection of the Barracks, with on the whole some minor points that require attention. E.s. the basement on the west side has not been painted at all and the authority demand to white wash the whole and put two coast of paint on 6 doors & the stair case for $45,00 with 10% to Fraser Watson for looking after this. To be paid out of the Government balance. Also we are getting roller blinds for most of the windows & electric fixtures for cooking, in the servery table & lamps for the library etc.
This understood that the rest of the money for the grounds has to be provided if possible from government money or if this can be done from other funds. The meeting went off well & the resolution (or Bylaw) was passed to Mr Valois’ satisfaction.
Dr Cushing wants you to go right ahead with the order for two plates which can be paid for from the Government balance. I suggest that you send in the Hungerbuhler one immediately as it is ready & the Wales one as soon as you get Miss Lilas approval. I have submitted it to Miss Evelyn by telephone here and she approves. Why not read it
The Wales Library
In grateful memory of a founder
The first President
Of the
Historical Society of Argenteuil County
Benjamin N. Wales M.D.